Greetings !!!
My father was an officer and collector with the Ohio Anitque Firearms Association from the late 1930's. Needless to say I grew up with a rotating collection of 250-300 firearms as my personal play toys. Wanting a "cap gun" like my buddies was a dream but my father "wouldn't spend good money on such junk" was his remark. At age 4 to 5 I was given a non-matching serial number 1849 Colt Pocket Revolver with the nipples plugged and several boxes of percussion caps - My "Cap Gun" per Dad. !@#$% He never knew how many times I wanted to trade-off that gun having only (5) shots and my friends could shoot all day long with their rolls of caps. I was always the first one shot in our battles, running out of ammo.
From early interests in muzzle loading weapons with my father's interests in collecting them and being raised in a F&I War, Rev. War and Civil War area, the latter being my main interest from early '50 until meeting a new friend in '73. At that time I was introduced to the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade, mountain men and a different style of weapon than having been around before by "Trapper Tom" Dwain Thompson, now my direction was changed once again. My earlier experience was shooting originals from time to time (black powder was hard to find), now with "Trapper" its a hands on with shooting reproduction muzzleloaders weekly and sometimes daily, living on a farm at Masonville, CO.
I have spent many years dedicated to the preservation and the study of pre-1840 lifestyles in North America by means of literary research and experimental archaeology. My main interest has been with the time period of the North American Mountaineer, my prime personal era (1795-1815) and the trade west of the Mississippi, or the Stoney (Rocky) Mountain Territory, in the role of a Chief Factor.
Have spent many of my fall and winter camps with local AMM Brothers of the Jim Baker Party/Colorado for 20-25 years and longer in the mountains of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, (some of these members were the first of the "American Mountain Men" [AMM] in the state of Colorado - Ray Turner, Dick White and Dick Whitmer).
- I am not active at this time but still hold my dregee rankings with:
- The North American Frontiersmen [NAF] (Mountaineer degree)
- The American Mountain Men [AMM] (Hiveranno degree)
- I'm a Life member of the National Rifle Association [NRA]
- The National Muzzle Loading Association [NMLRA]
- The Lenni-Lenape Society (Elder status). And a member in good standing with "The Antique Gun Trader Association" as a consultant on antique firearms.
I still provide a web page building service that several business owners along with period characters have used and refer to from time to time. The name of this little venture is "The Sitting Fox Agency", the original firm was established in 1881 as a Government agency for Indian trade in Lead South Dakota. We established business under the same name in 1979 (almost 100 years later) as a muzzle loading and reenactment supply house (trading post). We hold an active dated Trademark ™1978 & Copyrighted ©1979 - 2012.
Some of you may know me as the "OneWhoTrades" from period encampments to several of the antique auction sites as well as "eBay" and other sale sites offering small gatherings of period items.
We are still involved with the original business and have recently been working as a web site builder for your personal needs or small business. We do not get into the fancy, high tech style of web site design as it can be very expensive. We find most people with a small business or personal sites are just wanting to get on the Internet and want to keep the costs down when first getting started.
Beaver Plew Productions